A truly Immersive, heavy RP hookah lounge
La Vipère
Care for something a little bit different? La Vipère offers a luxurious den for those who wish to indulge in a little escapism. You will not find courtesans or private bookings here but you will find engaging company and indulgent intoxications in an upscale atmosphere.Come experience it for yourself...| Every Second Thursday of the month | 9PM-1AM EST |
| Dynamis Data Center | Rafflesia | Empyreum | Ward 3 | Plot 52 | 21+ only |
About La Vipère
Care for something a little bit different? La Vipère offers a luxurious den for those who wish to indulge in a little escapism. While we do not have courtesans and private bookings here, you will find engaging company and indulgent intoxications in an upscale atmosphere.
La Vipère is an upscale hookah lounge and host club located in Ishgard. A place to unwind and immerse oneself in the luxurious atmosphere and engaging company.What: La Vipère - A heavy RP upscale hookah lounge
Where: Dynamis Data Center | RAfflesia | Empyreum | Ward 3 | Plot 52
When: Every Second Thursday of the Month 9PM - 1AM ESTLGBT+ friendly | 21+ IC and OOC
Is La Vipère a brothel venue?
No. We don’t have private bookings of any kind. The hosts we have are solely for SFW RP in the common areas of the venue.Does La Vipère have a VIP program?
We do, see more hereIs La Vipère a formal venue? Is there a dress code?
It is meant to have an upscale feel but there is no official dress code for guests! Just be fully dressed!Is La Vipère a crime theme venue?La Vipère is not criminally aligned but we are also not anti-criminal. Meaning that the owner and management will most likely look the other way if criminal activity is discussed within the venue. Some criminal activity happening within the venue such as drug deals would obviously be fine considering we serve drugs here. Other criminal activities would be on a case by case basis. Overall, if something is disruptive to the event and venue itself or is harmful to staff or other guests, it would not be allowed. If that's something you have OOC consent to RP with someone and you wish to do so at La Vipère, please take that to tells or party chat or elsewhere to help us keep our event running smoothly and to ensure comfort of everyone else present.Do I have to join the FC to work as staff at La Vipère?
Nope! You only have to be in our Discord server and our CWLS.Sync Info:
Please join our Discord server for this information:
La Vipère Discord

Ives Mirier

Ives Mirier
Owner & Purveyor of Intoxicants
Age: 30
Gender/Pronouns: Male (gender non-conforming) - Any pronouns
Sexuality: GayBio: Sharlayan born and raised, Ives spent his time in the Studium studying many things, but his primary focus was alchemy and continues to be a passion of his. Upon leaving Sharlayan and finding himself in Ishgard, he has since been using his knowledge to create unique recreational substances with a luxurious, indulgent feel. His aim is always to create an unforgettable experience.Often referred to by those closest to him as a viper, Ives is clever, sly, and capricious. Yet, he has found himself to be adored by many. Rumors and assumptions are often made, many untrue or twisted. But one thing is for certain, this enigmatic dandy is ambitious and capable enough to get what he wants and see his visions through to the end.
Atlas Luisair

Atlas Luisair
Age: 28
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him
Sexuality: GayBio: This rock star born and raised in Solution 9 carries himself with a confident and charismatic vibe. Once a clerk at an energy drink booth, Atlas rose to fame with his music over time, making a name for himself in the entertainment industry alongside the rest of his band, Stardust.While he is still heavily invested in his music career, he is recently exploring Eorzean culture and nightlife and making investments along the way. Friendly, flirtatious and rebellious, he is always sure to be memorable.
Zamis Dhoro

Name: Zamis Dhoro
Age: ?????
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual (Preference for Masc-Presenting characters)Bio: On the surface, Zamis is a happy guy who loves making jokes, especially when it has to do with his lack of sight. How does he bartend as well as he does with that eye cover on? Well, that would be a good conversation starter! He's happy to strike up talk about a wide range of subjects, from the complexities of politics and science to what the best fruit is (strawberries, obviously.) He loves his job as a bartender and a manager, and is always looking forward to hearing the stories of passing strangers.Though, you'll find he doesn't delve too deep into himself if asked. Very few know who he really is, always vague and avoidant if someone tries to breach the surface. But, as he's said- "Most usually have something good to say, at least. And those that don't probably have a good reason."

Name: Ghost
Age: Adult. (looks 30-ish years old.)
Gender/Pronouns: Fluid - He/Him
Sexuality: Yes. Pansexual; Panromantic; Polyamorous-ex.Bio: Ghost is a curious individual and finds other people fascinating. He’s out to experience as much from life as he can in any way he can. Just mind his sticky fingers, might not be just your gil he walks away with.
Arafel de Courcelle

Name: Arafel de Courcelle
Age: Looks mid-20s
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual (personality matters more than anything else) / Polyamorous / homoromanticBio: A gentleman of the night. Elegant, cool, and dangerous, Arafel is an ishgardian nobleman with a dark flair. He is found in no current lineage books of the nobility and will wave off talk of anything deeply personal. However, he is more than interested in your story, willing to strike up conversation and engage others with personable charm and skill. Just beware that his sharp edge goes beyond the wit of his tongue.
Ambrose Delaroux

Name: Ambrose Delaroux
Age: Of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell variety”
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him
Sexuality: Pan, with a slight masc leanBio: Ostensibly Ambrose is an Archon and a professor that adores speaking at length about his love of botany and all the fun little ways flora can be used in alchemy and pharmacology and perhaps even other means. With silver at his temples, and the fine lines that crinkle the corners of his eyes when his lopsided and boyish smile appears, he gives the impression of one past the age of boyish mischief. Yet despite his impeccable manners, there is a teasing demeanor to Ambrose that makes an appearance now and again. On the surface, that is. Little is known of his past or his personal life beyond his job, though he enjoys a good conversation and seems to thoroughly enjoy his new found love of serving up the delights to be found for guests at La Vipère.
Anatoly Corbeau

Name: Anatoly Corbeau
Age: It's not polite to ask
Gender/Pronouns: Any
Sexuality: YesBio: With a sly smile and cold eyes, Ana is a mercurial Duskwight that comes AND goes as he pleases. While there isn't much known of the man that hails from Ishgard and has seemingly bottomless pockets, he is nonetheless a decadent man that seeks the finer things in life. In turn he applies this to each drink he pours, or hookah he assembles. Whether it's simple conversation or providing quality service, Ana is sure to delight and surprise.
Dion Archambaeu

Name: Dion Archambaeu
Age: 35ish
Gender/Pronouns: Cis male - he/him
Sexuality: GayBio: A former Opera star, he was well known in the operatic community for his powerful and moving vocal control and his ability to reach countertenor on the voice scale. Which gave him his popularity for singing heavenly songs in plays and shows.He is the first son of a minor house, well off enough to enjoy a comfortable life in the city, it was his fame in the opera house that really pulled in the families fortune. He is very much used to being a golden star, though these days he's not seen in the care or vicinity of his family any longer. Having disappeared for a few months time, only to re-emerge on a sabbatical from the Opera. Be kind, this angel has fangs...
Salvatore B. Ramirez

Name: Salvatore B. Ramirez
Age: 38
Gender/Pronouns: Cisgender male He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual, PanromanticBio: An astral cursed war veteran that hardly knows his subculture of Turali Elezen, he spends every waking moment he has trying to protect his loved ones. He resides with his family in Ishgard where he visited to more closely learn Astronomy, and definitely is completely ethical with no morally grey ideologies. Short tempered and prideful, He is very defensive about his skills and will shout if insulted, though he will go home and cry because his ego is about as fragile as he can be.
Clovis Iseterre

Name: Clovis Iseterre
Age: 47
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him, they/them
Sexuality: GayBio: Fellow dragoons might know him from the Dragonsong war as Frost Fang, a nickname he was quick to pick up. With a chilling gaze (Known even though rarely seen), and even colder magic, Clovis became a man to rely on. Even with his smaller stature, he was not only able to keep up, but excel.It was due to this well known strength that he saw the worst of it in the final push in the Dragonsong war. Recovered from the fields after math, barely with the first round of aid finished Clovis retreated deep into the wintery woods. He'd have thought to be dead if it wasn't locals saying they saw a figure on the natural formed ice, skating about. Some stories say they saw a snow spirit, others a ghost, but all matched the same description of the man.Now returned to the estate of his benefactor, he has found a way to re-learn to socialize via bartending and hosting. Still covering the top half of his face, sporting an eerie chill about him, and holding himself as any well trained dragoon would. Somethings never change. Well, one thing did change. A new weakness, to sweets, appeared.

Cheren Sombremont

Name: Cheren Viauxcour Sombremont
Age: 38
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Gay (Panromantic, Homosexual)Bio: An odd and eccentric albino Viera, Cheren hails from Doman before the days of the Garlean occupation. He moved to Eorzea in his teenage years and has adapted to much of the culture, but Ishgard remains an enigma to him. Recently moving to Ishgard with his two fiancés to be near one’s family, he has many questions about the once-secluded city-state. As such, the curious bunny may ask you some… potentially impolite questions, but all of it is in genuine curiosity and good faith. Outside of Vipere he works as a healer both with and without magic, cultivating a rare plant by the name of Chasia to create strong healing medicine. If you’re asking the right questions, you might find that the bunny has an odd fixation with death, and even necromancy…
Joachim Chatelfort

Name: Joachim Chatelfort
Age: 270
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him, they/them
Sexuality: AceBio: A half Viera, half Elezen man, taking more of the Viera features. Born 3/4 vampire and 1/4 siren, Joachim learns quickly at an early age that his 'song' can animate the dead. He is a curious man, innocent at heart. A skeleton cat by the name of Mr. Jitters usually accompanies him. Very rarely do his feet ever touch the ground, as he glides along, hovering just a few ilms from the ground.
Agitated Erinalia

Name: Agitated Erinalia
Age: 31
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bi/Pan
Bio: Agitated is newly moved to Ishgard. A friend in her Free Company suggested she look for work as a bartender in the area. Agi is quite cheerful and always smiling, although she's equally quick with an apology when she awkwardly steps on verbal toes.
Fane Gray

Name: Fane Gray
Age: 26 and holding
Gender/Pronouns: Male , He/him
Sexuality: Firmly homosexualBio: Fane is gregarious and flirty, seemingly happy to chat with just about anyone. Quick to pull out the pet names and free with affectionate touches, by the end of a conversation one might be left feeling like they'd known him all their life. He's happy to talk about most subjects and surprisingly astute for someone so off-handedly flighty. He's tiny, but at less than five fulms he's ponze for ponze as much sass as someone twice his height. His fragility is painted over with kohl, sparkly jewelry, and a healthy dose of denial.
Satzwyda 'Willow' Rymmtrachwyn

Name: Satzwyda 'Willow' Rymmtrachwyn
Age: 23
Gender/Pronouns: Female - She/Her
Sexuality: Sapiosexual - masculine lean
Bio: Mortician by day and Photographer by night. She is both shy and very cheerful once one gets to know her.
Soka Sarmantoix

Name: Soka Sarmantoix
Age: 72
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: YesBio: Musician and performer by day, courtesan by night. The once Auri man now lives in the body of a Viera after a fantasia was slipped into a drink at an after party to one of his shows. While the man still has dragon blood within him, there seems to be a bit... more. Don't mind the fangs too much, he doesn't bite much.
Chesapeake Le’Roux

Name: Chesapeake Le’Roux
Age: 28
Gender/Pronouns: Male, any pronouns
Sexuality: OmnisexualBio: Chesapeake, a once-dazzling heir and darling of high society, has cast aside the gilded trappings of nobility to embrace a life of indulgence and freedom as a courtesan. Raining glitter and brimming with mischief, he embraces every vice - be it drink, drug, or tantalizing companionship - while unapologetically living by his own rules. Personal boundaries are a mere suggestion to this color infused feline, and he has a nasty habit of not keeping certain catty thoughts inside his pretty little head.
Corentin Rontremont

Name: Corentin Rontremont
Age: 43
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Bio: Chef by day and socialite by night, Corentin loves to weave in and out of groups. Whether it be down with the people of the Brume or of he highest houses this red head hailing from The Fringes has been making a name for himself. There's an air of fluidity to this man embodying both masculinity and femineity wielding them to his own fullest extent. If you are someone who likes to dance with words and possibly some riddles please don't be shy.
Emilen de Vaillant (Valheart alias)

Name: Emilen de Vaillant (Valheart alias)
Age: (early 30s equivalent)
Gender/Pronouns: Cis-Male, He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual, male leaning
Bio: Emilen is the son of a minor noble house in Ishgard (House Vaillant), and as such, he is allowed a longer leash from his societal obligations than his brothers. Though he had the finest martial training, he does not enjoy it and doesn’t fight for a living. He doesn’t do anything for a living, actually, besides exist beautifully. He plays multiple instruments, composes instruments, and can sing, but his lack of ambition and failure to see things through has led him mostly to rich stranger’s beds than to any kind of career. He lives in the moment and indulges in any pleasure he can find, including food, drugs, gambling and shopping (when he has the money). He lives off his allowance, which he constantly has to convince his parents to keep giving him. Until now. Perhaps he can achieve financial freedom and satisfy his hedonistic urges.
Ivy Olivier

Name: Ivy Olivier
Age: 30
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him
Sexuality: Yes
Bio: S9 native and drummer for the band Stardust, Ivy is a little bit of a wildcard. He picked up this gig as security mostly because Atlas asked him to, but he's enjoying the opportunity to cause problems in a brand new world.
Collinoix "Robin" Robineaux

Name: Collinoix "Robin" Robineaux
Age: 42
Gender/Pronouns: Male
Sexuality: Yes
Bio: Accountant for La Vipere, Robin works hard to keep the spreadsheets neat and error free. There was this one time on an expense report he found a place where someone had put two commas instead of just one, that was a trip. It had been a lot of work to go back through the receipts for the whiskey, and the receipts for the gin, and the receipts for the champagne....
Anyway the commas weren't even related to the receipts because nobody uses commas on receipts those are all periods and then somehow his abacus was missing a bead so he had to go all the way down to the basement to see if there were more beads somewhere there was a lot of dust and...

Shot Roulette Effects
Roll a simple /random 20, and a number will be generated in your chatbox. Look below for the effects that correspond to your fateful number. Have fun with it! Get creative!1. Float - You suddenly feel as if you are floating. In fact, you are sure that you are!
2. Dance - You suddenly have the urge to dance!
3. Truth Serum - For the rest of the night, you say all your unfiltered thoughts.
4. Wallflower - As you look around throughout the evening, you notice someone sitting by themselves. Suddenly, you have an urge to approach and draw them into conversation or into your group for the evening.
5. Tingle - As the shot works its way through your system, you feel a tingling effect throughout your body.
6. Adventure - You have an overwhelming urge to try something new! A new drink, a new experience, anything!
7. Heat - That shot felt hot in your throat going down. It is now difficult to speak! Perhaps you should get something else to drink to cool down.
8. Flirty - You are feeling extra flirty suddenly.
9. Relax - You find this drink very soothing. So relaxing that you feel the urge to just sit down, take in the atmosphere and stay awhile.
10. Hallucinate - You start to see things that are not there!
11. Confidence - You feel like you could do anything! Your inhibitions are gone and you could do anything you set your mind to!
12. Love Potion - For the next hour, you think that you are in love with the next person that you see!
13. Connections - The next person you see is suddenly extremely interesting to you. You want to know everything about them and ask them all sorts of questions.
14. Sing - For the next hour, you sing everything you say.
15. Vision - You have a vision of your future. Perhaps it is true, perhaps not.
16. Immune - Nothing happens.
17. Delicious - A delicious swirl of sweet and sour dances along your tongue. So delicious that you want to try another!
18. Double - Roll twice and take both effects!
19. Energy Boost - You feel a sudden rush of energy!
20. Vibrant - Everything looks and sounds much more vibrant! Colors and sounds more rich than before!
Affiliated Venues
Le Renard Argenté

A place for gentlemen who prefer the finer things in life, as well as the company of other men. Le Renard Argenté is both an upscale Ishgardian cocktail lounge and a host club catering to those who enjoy masculine company. You will not find courtesans or bookings here but you will find an elegant atmosphere and engaging company.
The Rusty Mug

Just drinks, no bullshit.
A dive bar located in the Brume of Ishgard. All are welcome and drinks are cheap.
The Rusty Mug has a neighborhood bar feel. While it is nothing fancy, it does have seats!
A sanctuary for those who feel more comfortable drinking from dented tin than from a wine glass. A place where the owner and staff will turn a blind eye or ear if they overhear shady business talk.
While we do cater primarily to those who are lowborn or commoners, all are welcome. Though do keep in mind that nobility and noticeably high class types will not be particularly popular or treated politely.
FAQ: Do you do affiliations with other venues?
The above venues are owned and operated by the same management as The Rusty Mug, they also feature some of the same staff across the three venues. We do not typically affiliate with other venues unless there is an IC reason and IC connection and said venue shares similarities with at least one of our three.
Age - All staff and patrons must be 21+ both IC and OOC. Anyone who breaks this rule will be banned from the Discord and venue itself.
Respect - Don’t be a jerk. Treat those around you with respect. No slurs, hate speech, racism, sexism or petty drama of any kind will not be tolerated. Let's keep this a positive, welcoming space.
Leadership - If someone in leadership asks you to drop a subject, drop it. Attempts to continue the conversation will result in removal. Don’t try to get in a last word over leadership. In addition, don’t try to play moderator and police others.
LGBT+ - We are a LGBT+ friendly venue. No homophobia, biphobia, or transphobia will be tolerated. This includes the use of language such as fg, fta, f+, tr*p,ect.If someone asks you to refrain from using a certain word around them, even if it is one you are personally okay with, just apologize and move on. Comfort levels of others are not up for debate.
Adult Content - La Vipere is meant to be a classy venue. As such, please keep vulgar language (swearing and innuendos are fine) out of public channels in game. In Discord, please keep any NSFW content in the appropriately marked NSFW channels. General channels are PG-13 rated, this means that suggestive comments or vague, brief mentions of sexual topics are okay. However, prolonged conversations or more detailed conversations of such topics would need to be moved to NSFW channels. NSFW content involving underage characters, Lalafell or non-consenting situations is not allowed.
ERP - ERP is not allowed at this venue. If your RP is becoming risqué, please take it elsewhere, in a private space, off of the premises. We are not a brothel or the Quicksand, please do not treat it as such.
Drama - While we love our IC drama here, let’s please keep it IC. If an issue does arise OOC, RP related or not, please try to resolve it in DMs with the parties involved before bringing it to management/staff. And do not confront such things in the Discord server or at events in game.
Spoilers - It is not unusual for sprouts to be present, because of this, try to remember to utilize the spoilers channel when discussing story content. Names of people or places or screenshots that include locations, are fine to mention or post anywhere even if they are specific to certain expansions but anything pertaining to storylines, deaths, plot twists, ect. should be put in the spoilers channel and tagged like this, for example: “spoilers, patch 5.2 content” or “spoilers, shb content.” However, if you are unsure, just use spoilers with tags to err on the side of caution!
VIP Offerings
Would you like to delve a bit deeper into the depths of what La Vipère can offer you? Enjoy something a little more exclusive and have a chance to learn the secrets of those around you.We offer three ways to enjoy our VIP benefits!You may earn VIP rewards by:
- Discord boost
- 500k per month
- 5 million one time payment (This includes VIP status at all of our venues that offer VIP)Interested in signing up as VIP?
Simply speak to Ives!
Perks: |
VIP role in Discord |
VIP Discord chat channel |
OC profiles channel |
IC rumors channel |
Private VIP lounge access |
VIP only Events |
Access to exclusive Gpose studio, created by me (Ives). Location linked only in VIP channels |